Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes the processing of personal data by that complies to what is established in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of the digital rights and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of April 27, 2016, relative to the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and the freedom circulation of this data.

Who is responsible for the data?

Identity of the person responsible: Javier Navarro Herrera

Trade name: Javier Navarro Herrera

CIF: 38083972C

Address: Calle Sants 66, 5, 08014, Barcelona

Phone: +34646420770


Any query or communication can be directed to the email address or,
alternatively, by postal mail to Calle Sants 66, 5, 08014, Barcelona.

What categories of data are processed?


Name and surname

Email address, personal and/or professional

Telephone number(s), personal and/or professional

Management, personal and/or professional

Company and position within the organization


Any other information you provide through the free text fields included in the forms

Type of Data Maintained by Javier Navarro Herrera

The purpose, conservation period and legitimacy of the data collected and maintained are explained below.
by Javier Navarro Herrera.
The interested party is informed that no commercial profiles will be generated or decisions will be made.

Customer Data

Javier Navarro Herrera will retain personal data for the provision of the requested legal services. by any client or potential client.
Normally, the scope of such legal services will be limited in the custom letter signed between Javier Navarro Herrera and the client.
Javier Navarro Herrera may also process the data personal in pre-contractual headquarters, such as for the purpose of preparing a service proposal to the client or potential client.

For what purpose is the data processed?

The personal data of our clients will be processed for the development and execution of the services.
requested and/or contracted, which includes:

  • Adequately prepare the requested service proposal.
  • Manage the contracting of the requested services and the corresponding billing.
  • Maintain contact to collect information or provide information about the contracted services and/or
    modifications in this.
  • Comply with the contractual and commercial obligations assumed and how many legal obligations
    must be served by Javier Navarro Herrera.
  • Know the degree of satisfaction with the services received.
  • Send electronic communications in relation to activities, news, events and company news
    that may be of interest to you according to the nature of the contracted service and provided that they do not
    express your desire not to receive them under the protection permitted by Law 34/2002, of July 11, of
    information society services and electronic commerce.
  • In relation to contact requests, the data will be processed in order to provide
    adequate management and attention to the request in accordance with its nature.

Likewise, the data will be processed for marketing purposes in the event that registration is requested in the section “Keep
informed” and in those cases in which the necessary consent is expressly provided.
This purpose includes the sending of periodic electronic communications in relation to information, activities,
news, events and news related to the company or the legal sector, I say in general and that may be of
interest for the Users and as long as they do not express their desire to stop receiving them.

In case of requesting registration and/or participating in any of the events we celebrate, the name and
surnames, email address and professional data (company and position) to manage registration in
the reference event and maintain contact in order to confirm attendance or report any news or
change in the selected event.
Likewise, we may use the data to gather opinion and experience about
the event, carry out statistical studies, as well as to send you information about future events, news and
company news.

Likewise, only if requested and, as long as you do not withdraw your consent, we will use the data for the
sending newsletters and periodic electronic commercial communications in relation to information, activities,
news, events and news related to the company or the legal sector that may be of interest to you.

When you access the web portal, user data is processed in order to prepare reports
statistics and anonymous profiles regarding access habits and the activity carried out by Users
during your navigation.

Unless otherwise indicated, the data requested is necessary, so failure to provide it will prevent the
presentation of the application in question.

Javier Navarro Herrera participates in social networks. The processing of data carried out on Users who are
followers (and/or carry out any link or connection action through social networks) of the pages Javier Navarro Herrera officials on social networks, will be governed by those conditions of use, privacy policies and other regulations of access, use and similar that belong to the corresponding social network, that the user, as participant of these social networks, will have previously accepted. Consequently, Javier Navarro Herrera is not done responsible for personal information shared by the user on social networks.

What is the legitimacy for data processing?

The legitimation regarding the treatment related to the development and execution of the requested services and/or
contracted has its origin in the contractual relationship between the parties. The rest of the treatments the legal basis
of the treatment is the consent given and the legitimate interest in maintaining the relationship

How long does Javier Navarro Herrera store data?

The personal data processed by Javier Navarro Herrera will be processed as long as it is necessary for the
purpose for which they were collected or the relationship between the parties continues in force and provided that the owner
of those who do not express their opposition or express the consent given.
Once this period has ended, and
Only if it is necessary in accordance with current regulations, the data will be kept properly.
blocked during the legally established periods.
If you want more information about it you can
request it in

Data of people who request information

Purpose: Javier Navarro Herrera will retain the personal data and accompanying materials sent by any
person by any means requesting information about Javier Navarro Herrera services.
The purpose will be
in responding to the interested party’s query.

Conservation Period: The personal data of people who request information about the services of
Javier Navarro Herrera, or in any other way request to be informed about a specific matter, will be kept
until the interested party withdraws his or her consent, unless there is a legal obligation to preserve the data.
personal data for a longer period.

Legitimation: Javier Navarro Herrera is entitled to retain the personal data of people who
request information in accordance with the specific consent that must be returned signed by any
If the interested party refuses to sign the specific consent, their data and materials will be
deleted and the query made will not be attended to.

Commercial Communications

Purpose: In the event that Javier Navarro Herrera were to send commercial communications to an interested party, Javier Navarro Herrera
will request the interested party’s express and prior consent for this purpose.
The purpose will be to send
specific or periodic commercial communications to the interested party, in including a newsletter and/or communications

Conservation Period: The personal data of people who agree to receive commercial communications from
Javier Navarro Herrera will be kept until the interested party withdraws their consent, unless there is an obligation
legal to retain personal data for a longer period.

Legitimation: Javier Navarro Herrera is entitled to preserve the personal data of interested parties in
receive commercial communications from Javier Navarro Herrera in accordance with the specific consent that must be
return signed by any interested party.
If the interested party refuses to sign the specific consent, their
Data will be deleted and Javier Navarro Herrera will not send you commercial communications.

Supplier Data

Purpose: Javier Navarro Herrera will retain personal data to receive the services provided.
by any supplier or potential service provider.
Normally, the scope of such services will be limited in the service provision contract signed between Javier Navarro Herrera and the service provider. Javier Navarro Herrera may also process personal data in pre-contractual settings, such as for the purpose of
request a service proposal from the supplier or potential service provider. Retention Period: The personal data of suppliers and potential service providers will be kept in any case while the legal relationship with Javier Navarro Herrera is maintained and, subsequently, until the provider or potential service provider requests its deletion. Legitimation: Javier Navarro Herrera is entitled to retain personal data for the execution of the service provision contract signed between Javier Navarro Herrera and the service provider, as well as for any pre-contractual actions.

Likewise, Javier Navarro Herrera is legitimized by consent of the service provider, which may be reflected in the contract signed between Javier Navarro Herrera and the provider of services.

The communication of personal data is an essential requirement for signing the contract for the provision of services.
services, so the service provider is obliged to communicate them to Javier Navarro Herrera.
If the service provider does not provide your personal data, Javier Navarro Herrera may refuse to sign the contract
provision of services, refuse to receive the services and/or terminate the legal relationship at any time.

To which recipients are the data communicated?

To fulfill the indicated purposes, Javier Navarro Herrera may communicate data to the company as well as to third parties who
They provide us with financial, technological, logistical services, etc.

Within the framework of the professional services provided by Javier Navarro Herrera, as well as for the execution of contracts with
clients and suppliers, Javier Navarro Herrera may communicate your personal data to third parties, including:

  • Third parties to whom personal data must be communicated, such as judges, courts, arbitrators, colleges of lawyers, public administrations, counterparties, auditors, accountants, advisors, experts, private investigators, lawyers, attorneys, notaries, registrars and other professionals in the field legal;
  • Javier Navarro Herrera service providers such as IT providers, accountants, auditors, document storage, and other professionals in the legal field.

In addition to the above, personal data will be communicated in those cases required by current regulations.

Recipients and International Transfers

Except for legal obligation or express consent of the interested party, Javier Navarro Herrera will not make any transfer or
international transfer of personal data.

What are your rights when you provide your personal data?

Users can exercise the rights:

  • Access to personal data that is being processed and to the details of these operations of treatment.
  • Rectification of data that is inaccurate
  • Deletion, in the cases provided for by the regulations
  • To the limitation of your data in the cases determined by law
  • In the portability of your data when the treatment is automated and finds its legal basis in a contractual relationship or consent
  • Opposition to treatment in those cases permitted by law
  • Revocation, at any time, of the consent given

They may exercise the aforementioned rights, under the terms and conditions provided for in the legislation.
in force, at the registered office of Javier Navarro Herrera or by sending an email to

The interested party must indicate in all cases their name, surname and contact address and, in addition, must accompany
any request a photocopy of your National Identity Document or Foreigner Identification Number.

The interested party can obtain more information about the above rights, as well as forms to exercise them, on the website of the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) located at C/ Jorge Juan nº6, 28001 Madrid.
More information at
If the interested party has given their consent for a specific purpose, they have the right to withdraw the consent.
consent granted at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal.

In the event that the interested party considers that his or her rights have been violated regarding the protection of his or her data,
personal, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) through its website (

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